
Rewards Club


Earn points & redeem complimentary luxury products, exclusive discounts & more!

The more you shop, the more rewards you earn

How does it work?

Join our Rewards Program

Start earning Points

Get your Rewards

Earning points

Earn points for doing any of the following:

+500 Points

Refering a friend

+10 Points

Share on Facebook

+10 Points

Share on Twitter

+3 Points

For each £1 spent

+300 Bonus Points

Create an account

+100 Points

Share one of our products

+100 Points

Write a product review

Referring Friends


create a user account on A unique referral link will be generated for you, this can be accessed from your rewards club User Dashboard.


Share the unique referral link with friends. Your friends will need to signup for an account. They will then need to place an order.

You receive 500 points!

Redeem your points

Shop | Earn | Reward

Collect points and get real rewards

Get £15 off

for 1000 points

Get £35 off

for 2000 points

Complimentary Luxury Gift

for 3000 points

2 Complimentary Luxury Gifts

for 5000 points

Much More

We will award 3 points for every £1 that you spend on qualifying purchases. We reserve the right to either increase or decrease the number of points accrued on qualifying purchases, or to change how points are accrued, from time to time and at our sole discretion. We will notify you of any changes we make by updating our terms and conditions.