
Is Male Grooming Important?

Published by Leks on 2nd Jun 2019

So you've been building up to this moment for weeks, you're finally going to do it, you're finally going to talk to that guy from work who you've been daydreaming about since he started two weeks ago. His well fitted suit that clings to his rippling muscles, his stubble that gives him an air of rebellion, the way he smells, all of these little things you noticed have been building up to this moment. Then he walks into the office... He looks as if he has been to war with a bear. His suit is loose and baggy, patches in his beard, nails looking like claws, and to top it off, he smells worse than the toilet the day after you ate that bad pizza... Dreams crushed.

Why do people take more notice of a well-groomed man? Going back to the environment of evolutionary adaptation, a male who was visibly clean would be signalling to any potential partners that he is free of diseases and, and injuries, in turn showing a potential partner that any offspring would have an increased chance of survival. This is something that would have been crucial in that time, and it is something that is hardwired into our human DNA. This is well in-line with the fact that humans make assumptions about people well before they have started getting to know them (if you need any more proof of this, simply watch Susan Boyle's audition on BGT).

Then there is the direct link between your appearance and your attitude, self-image and self-confidence. Psychologically, you behave as you dress. Suit's are associated with confidence, wealth and power. So as you wear one, you start thinking about yourself in terms of these words. Remember the post a couple weeks back about confidence: What you believe becomes your reality. You see the world through a screen of beliefs. These are key to the theory here. If you look good, you believe you have that confidence and power, and in turn you do better, and improve in certain areas of your life where you may have previously struggled. Simply because you decided to change your outward appearance.

So to answer the question of whether male grooming is important, we at fragrance rich definitely believe that it is. Male grooming encompasses your hair, clothing, teeth, body hair, nails, scent etc. Make sure each of these areas are looked after in turn and please do not hesitate to head over to the shop to see what we can do for you...

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