

Published by Leks on 20th Mar 2016

Most people work for something; towards something, and for many women, and men in fact, this something is a better life for their children. The problem that women face, is that often, they are left with a choice that really isn't a choice. Work hard, and climb the corporate ladder as soon as possible before menopause hits, or have your children and risk it all.

The thing is, when you do have children, for the first couple years it is better for their development to have their parents around (won't go into the psychology of it), and after that, daycare is very expensive. Because of this, many women feel as though their choice in the matter is being eliminated. Katrina Alcorn, author, agrees with this notion of lack of choice, saying “The media portrays this decision to work or not to work as a matter of choice, but what the research shows is that most of us want and need to work,” as a mother of three herself, she is very knowledgeable in this area, adding “We end up having to choose between work and family because the companies we work for aren’t making our jobs compatible with our personal and family lives. Ideally, we wouldn’t have to choose.”

Let's set the scene... 6.45pm on a Friday night, a female IT consultant at the office, having supposed to have finished work at 5.30pm, the company system crashed, and she needs to get the system up and running again so that everything can run smoothly on Monday. Due to the time, there's no way our woman will be able to get home before 8pm. She has two 9 year old kids. She gets home, just gone 8pm, her husband has fed the kids and put them to bed, and has prepared her dinner also.
I'm not trying to make it seem as if every single woman has this supportive husband there to take care of the kids when she is busy with work, however, there is no doubt that it helps. We are living in modern times, where men are ever more accepting of the fact that they will need to do housework, and they will need to help out much more with the kids. Living costs all over the world are getting higher, so without that multiple source of income, it is extremely difficult to live that comfortable life.

Some women find that they thrive living a full and exciting life, whereas others become overwhelmed. And although working outside the home can be seen as stressful for a lot of women, they still manage to find many pluses. When a woman is doing something she loves and living her dreams, simultaneously to taking care of her kids, there is a sense of personal fulfillment. Yes, it is often said that a man is the head of the house, but if that is the case, a women is all the sensory organs that actually make the head the head. We at fragrance rich salute all you superwomen who do it all. For those who are solely pursuing your careers, we salute you. For the full time moms, we salute you.

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