
The art of confidence

Published by Leks on 16th Jun 2019

The level of confidence you have really determines the quality of your life. Bold statement right? Well let me repeat just for those who don't quite understand; the level of confidence you have really determines the quality of your life. Everything you do in life can be attributed to your level of self-belief, your level of confidence, whether or not you believe you can or believe you cannot, and this is something that is transmitted into your everyday life.
Viktor Emil Frankl! Neurologist, psychiatrist, Holocaust survivor... As a concentration camp prisoner, he was led to discover the importance of finding meaning in all forms of existence, of believing that your life was worth something no matter what you were going through. This was something he discovered by the realisation that as long of the other prisoners believed in something they stayed alive, but the moment they stopped believing they just died.

Take a moment with me... Look at yourself and your life. Imagine your life with no doubt, no fears, complete confidence in yourself and a deep seated belief that you deserve everything that is good in life. Just imagine how different your life would be. That childhood dream that you had would have been a reality, that company you wanted to start would be up and running, that person you wanted to take to dinner wouldn't have married someone else. All the things that you were told to imagine at the beginning of this paragraph, those things, those beliefs are the way the successful and happy human think, but it's not easy to get there.

One needs to understand law of cause and effect. It governs the universe and enables our mind to rationalise everything that happens. If A happens then B should logically follow. Now there's one thing that they fail to teach us about cause and effect, and this will help us to know why it is important to be self-confident. Thoughts are causes, and the conditions and situations we find ourselves in are the effects. When you see it like this, you begin to understand why positive thoughts about yourself are important, and why it is important to have positive thoughts in general.

Remember that what you believe becomes your reality, the world thus is seen through a screen of beliefs. You don't see the world as it is, you see the world as you are; ignoring things that are inconsistent with your beliefs and focus on those things which are in alignment. Essentially if you believe that you are fabulous and you deserve greatness, then you your mind will force you to focus on things which are in alignment with these beliefs and you will get to your goals, the opposite is true if you lack that self-belief and confidence.
So we urge you this week, to believe in yourself wholeheartedly, to let go of fears and doubts, and to stay absolutely awesome!

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